Brazilian Gewehr 98 Pattern Mauser Model 1908 Rifle
Everything Old Antiques & Vintage
SKU: 1-161870
A Gewehr 98 Pattern Mauser Model 1908 Bolt Action Rifle made in Germany in the Deutsche Waffen Und Munitions Fabriken Berlin
Factory under contract for the Brazilian Government.
All visible serial numbers are matching, from the wood stock to the bolt. Chambered in 7mm Mauser (7 x 57)
Item ID: 23277
Category: Long Guns
Bore is fair with distinct rifling. Two piece military wood stock shows signs of handling, but overall is in nice condition! Metal parts are bright and clean, with a gorgeous contrast between the action, wood stocks and barrel.
Canadian Class Non-Restricted
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International shipping available where permitted.
Please check your local regulations before purchasing.
Item ID: 23277
Category: Long Guns