Winchester Model 1894 PCMR Carbine Lever Action Rifle
Everything Old Antiques & Vintage
SKU: 1-161625
Winchester Model 1894 PCMR Carbine Lever Action Rifle in 30-30 Win., issued in WWII to the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers.
Item ID: 22767
Category: Long Guns
Bore is bright with good rifling. Two piece wood stock with a very small piece of wood missing from the rear stock just to the left of the hammer. Sliding ramp rear sight may have been modified. Trapdoor fed tube magazine.
Canadian Broad Arrow marked on both the receiver and the rear stock. Good clear markings.
SN# 1338900 dates it to 1942.
Canadian Class Non-Restricted.
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Item ID: 22767
Category: Long Guns