The Treasure of the Humble, by Maurice Maeterlinc
Everything Old Antiques & Vintage
SKU: 1-164
The Treasure of the Humble
By Nobel Laureate Maurice Maeterlinck
Translated into English by Alfred Sutro with an introduction by A. B. Walkley in 1897.
- "Le Silence" ("Silence")
- "Le Réveil de L'Ame" ("The Awakening of the Soul")
- "Les Avertis" ("The Pre-Destined")
- "La Morale Mystique" ("Mystic Morality")
- "Sur Les Femmes" ("On Women")
- "Le Tragique Quotidien" ("The Tragical in Daily Life")
- "L'Étoile" ("The Star")
- "La Bonté Invisible" ("The Invisible Goodness")
- "La Vie Profonde" ("The Deeper Life")
- "La Beauté Intérieure" ("The Inner Beauty")
Item ID: 17632
Category: Biographies